Looking for a Leister CH-6060 Tool?
We get calls every week from customers looking for a Leister CH 6060 Sarnen or CH 6056 Kägiswil tool.
Rather than being product codes as is often assumed, CH-6060 and CH-6056 are the postal codes in Switzerland where the tools are made.
In the same location you found the postal code, there should be a model or type name. The most common is the TRIAC S.
If you're still having trouble finding the model name of your tool, try looking through the product listing on our site. Alternatively, send us a picture by email (one of the label and one of the entire tool) and we'll help you figure it out.
Rather than being product codes as is often assumed, CH-6060 and CH-6056 are the postal codes in Switzerland where the tools are made.
In the same location you found the postal code, there should be a model or type name. The most common is the TRIAC S.
If you're still having trouble finding the model name of your tool, try looking through the product listing on our site. Alternatively, send us a picture by email (one of the label and one of the entire tool) and we'll help you figure it out.